
A secure and simple tool to help students effortlessly organise and track their internship applications during their university journey.

Why choose us?

Sleek and appealing

An intuitive user-interface that makes Excel feel like a distant memory.

Powerful Data table

Filter, Sort, Search, and Update multiple applications on the click of a button.

Archival feature

Archive and revisit past internship applications for future reference

Completely Free

No Fees, Just Opportunities!

200+ active users

1000+ jobs tracked

We are growing everyday!

How to use TrackTern?

  • Add your internship application
    Fill up a quick & simple card about the internship you are applying for and submit it.

  • Update Status
    Update the status of your application as you progress through the application process.

  • Archive
    At the end of application season, select all applications to archive to prepare for next season

Best used on

This website was made by Thejus.

For issues regarding the site please drop an email. Good luck applying! 🍀